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Threated rod with a socket OST 34-10-739-93

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Used for the production of suspensions station pipelines TPP and NPP dust-gas thermal power plants.

Table of main sizes

Design Allowed load, kN L, mm Weight, kg
01 4,4 705 1,2
02 14,7 705 2,4
03 23,5 705 3,3
04 33,3 705 5,6
05 53,9 705 10,2
06 78,4 705 11,9
07 107,9 905 22,0
08 147,1 905 28,1
09 196,1 905 36,0


Consists of a rod with knurled threaded, a lug and a socket.

Чертеж тяги с муфтой


Example of designation M20 mm threaded rods with socket: Threated rod with a socket 03 OST 34-10-739-35