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Fixing pipelines to building constructions Tt-MM-08-2009

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Types and marks of fasteners

The following types of mounts and their designations:

  • KSP-fastening to the wall panels;
  • KSK-fastening to walls of brick;
  • KKZh-fastening to concrete columns;
  • KKM-fastening to steel columns;
  • GEARBOX-mounting plates;
  • KP-fastening to floors;
  • KPM-fastening to metal sites;
  • KRP-fastening to the crossbars on racks;
  • KBP-fastening to beams overlap on suspensions.

Marking of anchorages is made as follows. With the constructive difference of this type of anchorage is symbol number, for example: KSK1, KSK2, and so forth through the dash are the main structural supports and load data. In the end, as is indicated by the capital letter cipher material in accordance with table 1.

Designation Environment temperature *С PB Steel acc.to GOST 27772-88

Steel acc. to GOST 1050-88

    rolling fasteners and hardware
А t >-30 С235 (СтЗкп2) 20
Б -30 > t >-40 С275 (СтЗпс)  
В -40 > t >-45 С345 (09Г2С)  

An example:

  • Mark KKZh-120-80A means one-side bracket welded to the reinforced concrete columns with details of the fixtures of the departure of 120 cm and 80 kN-m used at outdoor air temperature not below of -30C (1 kN-m, 1kg-m)
  • Mark KPM2-40-20B means a vertical rack, welded to the platform, with a height of 40 cm with a vertical load of 20 N used at outdoor air temperature ranging from minus 30 to minus ' 40'S (1 H ~ 0.1 kg). Brand steels and fasteners, depending on the temperature of ambient air taken to snip 11/23/81-23-81.

Loadings and influences 

Anchorages are designed for simultaneous impact of vertical and horizontal design loads. Design loads are indicated in the tables for selecting the type of fasteners. They are determined by multiplying the average workloads overload factor k = 1.2.
When determining the horizontal fore-and-aft movement from thermal pipeline friction coefficient was equal to 0.1 for fastening with  pillars and 0.3-with sliding bearings.
Horizontal loads from the stationary dock pipelines are pipelines DU50: self-compensation conditions: - 250 mm at the most dangerous sections of the maximum valid pressure.
Structural design fixtures manufactured in compliance with requirements of SNiP 11/23/81-23-81 * "steel structures".

The album developed on two options for mounting of piping to walls (with the incorporation in nests or heel) and reinforced concrete columns (with or without details of the mortgage). Selecting the method of fixing brackets must be based on the technical and economic feasibility, taking into account the conditions of construction, installation and maintenance.

  • Fastening to walls brick with the installation of the brackets in the hitches;
  • Fastening to walls brick with installation brackets on the heel;
  • Fastening to walls brick with the installation of the brackets in the hitches. Horizontal pipes with roller bearing;
  • Fastening to Panel the walls of unheated buildings with installation brackets on the heel;
  • Fastening to Panel the walls of heated buildings with installation brackets on the heel;
  • Fastening to Panel the walls of heated buildings with installation bracket by means of the devices planted in horizontal seams between panels;
  • The reinforced concrete columns with 400 x 400 and 400 x 600 mm with embedded parts of the corners;
  • Fixing to reinforced concrete columns with 400 x 400 mm and 400 x 600 mm with embedded parts of the corners.