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Pipe clamp of steel. Split type SSG 7075

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This edition differs from the previous by the dimension series being increased by Dk 711-1229. Dk 180 has been added and new standard references have been introduced. Material recommendations at high temperatures and the value for max. permitted load have been introduced. Pipe clamps under this standard are used as elements in pipe supports in accordance with SSG 7005. When using types 3, 9 and 10 in accordance with SSG 7005, anchorage clamp halves in accordance with SSG 7080 should be used. Anchorage clamp halves in accordance with SSG 7080 should also be used for types 1, 4, 5, 17 and 18 in SSG 7005, when temperatures exceed 350°C in order to avoid pipe clamp deformation. The dimensions are selected from SMS 3042, series 2.


Pipe clamps made from cold bent steel rod, screws ISO 4014 and nuts ISO 4032.


Steel clamps S235JRG2 in accordance with EN 10 025 (SS steel 1312). Clamp halves may be manuufactured from other materials. Screw ISO 4014 - 8.8. Nuts ISO 4032 - 8.

At temperatures above 350°C the screw connection may be manufactured in heat-resistant material and the material in the pipe clamps must be compatible with the pipe material.

Surface treatment

Pipe clamps are galvanized in accordance with SS-EN ISO 1461. Screws and nuts are galvanized Fe/Zn 45 in accordance with SS-EN ISO 10684. As the temperature exceeds 200°C we do not recommend galvanizing as the properties of the zinc deteriorate strongly and the outer surface becomes brittle.


Designation: Pipe clamp SSG 7075 - Dk (- Material - Surface coating)
Example: Pipe clamp SSG 7075 - Dk 11

Из раздела: Elements of SSG