Supports type T15

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Sliding supports (T15.00) are designed for fastening steel pipelines of various purposes with outside diameter from 194 to 1420 mm and are manufactured in accordance with a series of  4.903-10 (5).

Supports type T15 (Du194 to Du1420), L = 680mm,are used as mobile supports.

Series 4.903-10 fixed supports are designed for heating networks of underground pipes and overhead gasket and cover the full range of diameters of pipes of heating networks within conditional passes 25 - 1400 mm according to the “Grades of pipes for outdoor thermal networks” on up to 64 kg/cm 2, t to+ 440 C of USSR Energy Ministry, as approved by the regulation No. 50, of 27.01.1971. 


Consists of a curved bracket with welded stiffeners and saddles.


An example of schematic symbol type T15 28 height 100 mm for pipeline Du720: sliding support 720-t 15.28.

Из раздела: Mobile supports



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