Mobile sliding supports type T13

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Mobile sliding dielectric supports  (T13.00) designed for mounting of steel pipelines of various purposes with outside diameter up to 32 mm – 630 mm and are manufactured in accordance with a series of  4.903-10 (5).

Series 4.903-10 fixed supports are designed for heating networks of underground pipes and overhead gasket and cover the full range of diameters of pipes of heating networks within conditional passes 25 - 1400 mm according to the “Grades of pipes for outdoor thermal networks” on up to 64 kg/cm 2, t to+ 440 C of USSR Energy Ministry, as approved by the regulation No. 50, of 27.01.1971.

Sliding support allows longitudinal displacement of pipes in vertical resistance at the required technological processes.
The main types of mobile supports according to  fasteners and functions:

  • the sliding direction: horizontal displacement of pipelines does not matter, there is no limit on the diameter of the pipes, apply any method of laying;
  • rolling: the direction in which to move strictly axial, tube diameter is 200 mm and more, laying at highways and in tunnels;
  • Rigid suspension: horizontal displacement direction without restriction on sites that use flexible compensators (self-compensation is possible), laying line is elevated.
  • reliance on supports for fastening piping on the detached pillars and overhead rails.


The most simple design includes:

  • rigid base, running from the channel or a steel corner;
  • semi-circular holders from metal pipes;
  • fastening material: clamps, bolts, nuts.
  • Possible abrasion pipes when working movements and deformations compensates strip between the holder and the pipeline.

Supports T32 from Du13 to Du159  consist of welded brackets and bent rib. Length L = 170  Supports T13, from Du194 to Du630, are composed of bent and welded reinforcing ribs staples and saddles.


An example of such symbol of supports type-13 (08), H= 150 mm for the pipeline Du89: sliding support: 89-T13.08.
An example of such symbol of supports type-13 (18), H= 200 mm for the pipeline Du219: sliding support: 219-T13.18.

Из раздела: Mobile supports



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